Monday, February 19, 2007

Illegal Immigration and Economic Impact

Ok time for another rant from me, I read in the news that the Latino community has once again taken a day off of work to show the adverse impact of us not having them around. My friends, this is nothing more than their feeble attempt to coerce us into allowing them to break our laws and be rewarded for it. It's time we say to them, If you come here Illegally we don't need you, We've made it this far, I believe we can make it further, we can't be pushed into handing out free citizenship papers, we will not be intimidated, Yes they make an economic impact here, when you have at least 30 million people here spending money on new cars, clothing, Houses, there will be an impact. But Friends, we cannot allow this economic study to sway our immigration laws, We must stand strong, Uphold our laws, Raise our collective voices to our Elected Officials saying we will not be held hostage in our own country, Our arguments are sound, toge ther our voice will be louder, our will stronger, This country is the United States, we must stand United on this, On Feb 23 there will be simultaneous rallies to let Officials know how we feel, I urge all of you to visit the utah minuteman project website for further details on these rallies, I urge you all to go out to these rallies and let our voices be heard. If we don't do it now, we may not have a tomorrow to do it. Defending our laws and our country is not being racist, it's being Patriotic.

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